Training Resources

During Covid-19 lockdown, Andy Teagle very kindly posted a regular series of videos on the club Facebook page with a variety of training emphases. Anyone using these videos does so based on the disclaimer at the bottom of this page. You are advised to watch the full video first before attempting the workout.
These workouts are available to club members who use the closed Facebook group, using the following links:

16th April 2020 (20 mins; Adults & Juniors): Swim-based Taster

23rd April 2020 (16 mins; Adults & Juniors): Swim-based Session 2

30th April 2020 (16 mins): Shoulder Mobility

7th May 2020 (9 mins; Adults & Juniors): Short, Intense Exercises

18th May 2020 (15 mins): Run Drills & Balance

28th May 2020 (11 mins; Adults): Upper Body S & C

30th May 2020 (10 mins; Juniors (& Adults!)): Circuits

7th June 2020 (11 mins; Adults): TRX Bands

7th June 2020 (13 mins; Adults): Resistance Bands

7th June 2020 (8 mins; Juniors): Bike & Transition

14th June 2020 (15 mins; Adults & Juniors): All Round Workout

24th June 2020 (10 mins; Adults & Juniors): Abs & Obliques Circuit

8th July 2020 (18 mins): Shoulder Mobility


Anyone wishing to take part in this exercise and fitness session – whether live or pre-recorded instructional video – must adhere to the following terms:
Anyone taking part in Strength and Conditioning does so at their own risk.
Solihull Triathlon Club and Andy Teagle do not accept any responsibility for any individual nor group of individuals, who may be participating in Strength and Conditioning.
To take part in Strength and Conditioning you must be in good physical health. If you’ve been told on health or medical grounds that you should not take part in physical activity and sport, then you won’t be able to join in with this exercise and fitness session.
Please remember to work within your own comfort zone. No one is present to supervise the exercises and correct body positions.
To perform this activity in a safe way, you must make sure that the area you use is suitable.
The area must be:
– a flat surface
– clear of any obstacles
– spacious enough for the type of activity
By taking part in this exercise and fitness session – whether live or pre-recorded instructional video – you agree to the above terms and conditions.
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